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Financial Assistance Program/Hospital Discounted Care Program

HB 21-1198 Hospital Discounted Care Overview Effective September 1, 2022.

House Bill (HB) 21-1198 is also known as Health Care Billing for Indigent Patients Receiving Services Not Reimbursed Through Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP) or Hospital Discounted Care. It establishes discounts for low-income patients, and it requires that all uninsured patients and all insured patients who request to be screened for eligibility for Health First Colorado, the Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+), Medicare, Emergency Medicaid, CICP and Hospital Discounted Care.

Health Care Facilities must screen each uninsured patient unless a patient declines to be screened.

Additional information can be found on the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing's website:

If you are uninsured, and your income is equal to or less than 250% of the federal poverty level, AVRMC has a program for which you may qualify.

To make an appointment with a financial counselor to determine if you qualify, please call 719-383-6441 or 719-383-6099.

If you currently qualify for the Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP), you may qualify for this program for services not covered under CICP.

I have been made aware that AVRMC has a Financial Assistance Program for which I may be eligible.


AVRMC accepts patients with private insurances, Medicaid, Medicare, VA, and CICP.

Our payment policy is as follows: Payment arrangements through AVRMC will be based on the following scale:

Combined Account Balance owed
$0 - $50 Full Payment
$51 - $300 $50 a month (6-month maximum)
$301 - $600 $75 a month (8-month maximum)
$601 - $1,000 $100 a month (10-month maximum)
$1,001 - $2,000 $150 a month (13-month maximum)
$2,001 - $5,000 $200 a month
$5,001 - $10,000 $250 a month
$10,001 - $20,000 $300 a month
$20,001 - $20,001+ A payment plan will be set up
not to exceed 7 years

Bad Debt Policy

POLICY: Placement of bad debt accounts is performed every thirty days. An outsourced agency will be used for pre-collect and collection of accounts. Legal action recommended by the second placement agency may be initiated through authorization by the Patient Financial Services Director or Financial Counselor.

PROCEDURE: The list of accounts that are not responding to communications or payment plans will be prepared and e-mailed to the Patient Financial Services Director and Financial Counselor. This list will be reviewed and moved to bad debt if appropriate. The list of accounts will be given to the CFO for approval for transfer to bad debt status.

All accounts at the collection agency with no response or activity for 120 days will be returned to AVRMC as unconvertible and the Medicare accounts will be placed on the Medicare bad debt report.

If accounts, other than Medicare, go into legal action:

1. AVRMC will receive an approval form from the agency stating the intent to pursue legal action. The PFS Financial Counselor or the PFS Director will sign off on this.

2. The patient will then be served and a court date set.

3. Either a default judgment or court date will be set.

4. The Financial Counselor will attend the court date to represent AVRMC.

Charity Care Policy

The only Charity Care defined for AVRMC's purpose is patients that qualify for Colorado Indigent Care.

If your income exceeds eligibility requirements into the Medicaid program, you may qualify for CICP. Please contact a Financial Counselor for this information.

Financial Counselors

719-383-6441 or 719-383-6099

Admissions Supervisor


Patient Financial Supervisor


Physician Practice Director


Billing Manager


Patients Rights

Financial Assistance Policy

Financial Assistance Program Brochure (English

Financial Assistance Program Brochure (Spanish)

Bad Debt Policy

Derechos del Paciente


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