Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center
Specialty Clinics - Click on Provider for More Info

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August 2020
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Event: Ophthalmology - Dr. Frank
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-594-9800

Event: Audiology - Dr. Gacnik
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-383-0147

Event: Ophthalmology - Dr. Frank
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-594-9800

Event: Podiatry - Dr. Rheaume
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-564-2391

Event: Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics - D. J. Crites
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-542-8522

Event: Audiology - Dr. Gacnik
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-383-0147

Event: Podiatry - Dr. Rheaume
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-564-2391

Event: Oncology - Dr. Dawod
Description: To schedule an appointment please call New Patients: 719-296-6000 Established Patients: 719-383-6378




Event: Ophthalmology - Dr. Frank
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-594-9800

Event: Audiology - Dr. Gacnik
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-383-0147

Event: Ear, Nose, and Throat - Dr. Newburg
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 888-944-3752

Event: Pulmonology - Dr. Borbely
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-564-1542

Event: Ophthalmology - Dr. Frank
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-594-9800

Event: Visual Field

Event: Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics - D. J. Crites
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-542-8522

Event: Pain Management - Kellie Logue, CRNA NSPM
Description: To schedule an appointment, please contact your Primary Care Physician

Event: Cardiology - Dr. Strader
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-635-7172

Event: Pulmonology - Dr. Reichmuth
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-564-1542

Event: Audiology - Dr. Gacnik
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-383-0147

Event: Pain Management - Kellie Logue, CRNA NSPM
Description: To schedule an appointment, please contact your Primary Care Physician

Event: Cardiology - Dr. Lee
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-562-1592

Description: Rheumatology Infusions

Event: Rheumatology Infusions


Event: National Immunizational Awareness Month

Event: Ophthalmology - Dr. Frank
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-594-9800

Event: Audiology - Dr. Gacnik
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-383-0147

Event: Pain Management - Kellie Logue, CRNA NSPM
Description: To schedule an appointment, please contact your Primary Care Physician

Event: Southern Colorado Nephrology - Dr. Harberts / Pam Isley FNP
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-561-5264

Event: Ophthalmology - Dr. Frank
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-594-9800

Event: Pain Management - Kellie Logue, CRNA NSPM
Description: To schedule an appointment, please contact your Primary Care Physician

Event: Urology - Dr. Feliz
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-569-7400

Event: Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics - D. J. Crites
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-542-8522

Event: Pain Management - Kellie Logue, CRNA NSPM
Description: To schedule an appointment, please contact your Primary Care Physician

Event: Audiology - Dr. Gacnik
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-383-0147

Event: Oncology - Dr. Archuleta
Description: To schedule an appointment please call New Patients: 719-296-6000 Established Patients: 719-383-6378

Event: Radiation Therapy - Dr. DeCosta
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-557-5460

Event: Podiatry - Dr. Rheaume
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-564-2391



Event: Ophthalmology - Dr. Frank
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-594-9800

Event: Audiology - Dr. Gacnik
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-383-0147

Event: Ear, Nose, and Throat - Dr. Newburg
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 888-944-3752

Event: Ophthalmology - Dr. Frank
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-594-9800

Event: Urology - Dr. Bickel
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-545-9713

Event: Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics - D. J. Crites
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-542-8522

Event: Pain Management - Kellie Logue, CRNA NSPM
Description: To schedule an appointment, please contact your Primary Care Physician

Event: Cardiology - Dr. Lee
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-562-1592

Event: Pediatric Cardiology - Dr. Runciman
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-305-9020

Event: Audiology - Dr. Gacnik
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-383-0147

Event: Pain Management - Kellie Logue, CRNA NSPM
Description: To schedule an appointment, please contact your Primary Care Physician




Event: Ophthalmology - Dr. Frank
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-594-9800

Event: Audiology - Dr. Gacnik
Description: To schedule an appointment please call 719-383-0147

Event: Pain Management - Kellie Logue, CRNA NSPM
Description: To schedule an appointment, please contact your Primary Care Physician